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From The Blog
3 min read
The 1% Resilience Rule That Will Transform Your Mind
What if I told you it only takes 1% of your day to strengthen your mindset, calm your nervous system (get a handle on any anxiety) and...
2 min read
Ways to Self-love Yourself to Success!
Success is only true success if it’s laced with fulfillment, happiness and inner peace. You can have all the money, status, power, health...
2 min read
The Real Truth About Toxic Positivity
“You’ll get over it” can come from a place of love, but the emotional damage this kind of tough love can cause is not to be ignored. It’s...
3 min read
3 Things You Must Know Before You Find A New Career!
Most people spend an average of 50% of their waking hours in the workplace, this sent cold shivers down me knowing just how many people...
3 min read
5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Manifesting!
We’ve got access to all the latest trends on how to manifest the life of your dreams, but are you aware of the common pitfalls to avoid?...
3 min read
Why you don’t have to get up at 5AM to be successful!
I'm sure many of you have heard about the infamous 5AM club, that in order to be successful, you have to be a part of it. I was once part...
3 min read
Goal setting 101: What to avoid when setting your goals
We’ve all set our hearts on a goal, declaring “this is it!” and before you know it, it’s gone down the pan. Along with the self-belief...
1 min read
3 Questions to Unlock your Confidence
We’ve all been there, you are teetering on the edge of making an exciting decision, taking a risk or a good ole leap of faith, then the...
3 min read
Your thoughts and emotions determine your outcome!
A lot of people come to me and mention anxiety, and when I see this wave coming, I bring it right back to the basics. Why do we need to...
3 min read
Re-write Your Reality Through Journaling
Remember as a kid having a diary where you poured your heart into about your crushes at school (I ❤️ JT IDST!!!!) the friends who were...
3 min read
Comparison erodes confidence—You’re NOT behind!
It’s safe to say we are all familiar with the saying ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ – yet we still do it? When you set a goal of...
2 min read
Warm, hot, hot, boiling!
I was reflecting on childhood games we used to play the other day when one in particular one made me really stop and think. It’s like the...
4 min read
3 Things to Help Boost your Confidence and Self-esteem
Confidence is an inside job, you may look at others and think ‘wow, they look so confident!’ but it’s what is going on on the inside that...
3 min read
How you can release anxiety as we come out of lockdown #3
Change, whether is positive or negative change tends to stir up a number of thoughts and emotions. Going into lock down for the first...
3 min read
How to trust things will get better
It can be easier said than done the whole ‘trusting the process’, especially when you may have felt like you tried that in the past and...
3 min read
Ask and you shall receive
I was recently invited to be a guest on the Podcast ‘Adapt & Improve‘, hosted by Chris James – I did a little happy dance when the phone...
4 min read
Why her? – Healing the Judgment Wound
I could never quite understand why I feared the opinions of others so much. It made me question myself before doing ANYTHING that brought...
2 min read
How to wind down like a Peaceful Warrior
Ever feel like the week goes a little like this…. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Blink Sunday You start the week with good...
3 min read
Your intuition is your inner tutor!
Do you have a ‘go-to friend’ you reach out to when you need some advice or you’re in a predicament? It’s become conditioned for many of...
2 min read
Your time is NOW!
If there’s something you want to do differently with your career, business or maybe you want to start something brand new but you keep...
2 min read
Help Other People Everyday
I’m sure you’ll agree there’s a warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you help someone or support them in some way! It may e as simple as...
2 min read
Bringing In Calm Amongst The Chaos
You may be facing challenges and changes that are leaving you feeling overwhelmed. I know I have certainly had waves of it with all that...
2 min read
5 Things to Bare in Mind When Setting Goals and Intentions
January is usually the time for all things new resolutions, goals and dusting those running shoes off and fighting for space at the gym....
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